Posts by Year


Querying Mongo in C#

4 minute read

In this blog post, I’ll show so example on how to use C# MongoDB drive to querying a collection called “movies”, available in the sample data provided by Mon...

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Asymmetric JWT Signing using AWS KMS

4 minute read

TL;DR Node.js implementation using asymmetric encryption key stored on AWS KMS to sign JWT tokens and verifying them using the public key. You can skip to th...

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Debugging Spring Rest Requests

less than 1 minute read

We’ve been working with Spring Boot for a while now, and it gets the job done nicely. However, sometimes, somewhere between the model annotations, the defau...

Default Jackson serde in Spring

1 minute read

Problem We’re using Spring in most of our Java applications, and rely on Swagger for a lot of API calls. Now, having all the jackson annotations makes everyt...

Lambda: Move S3 file based on content

less than 1 minute read

We have a process that saves a file to an S3 bucket. We needed a lambda to read the file, parse part of the content, and move the file to the appropriate fol...

Basic Lambda to call internal VPC api

1 minute read

Product team decided they wanted a specific event to happen every time a specific email address receives an email. The first option was to poll mail server a...

Postgres - Logging queries

1 minute read

We had an issue with some JQL queries returning weird results from the db, so we wanted to see exactly what’s arriving to the psql service. To see that:

AWS Re:Invent 2018 – My Top Sessions

2 minute read

SVR322 - From Monolith to Modern Apps: Best Practices We are a lean team consisting of developers, lead architects, business analysts, and a project manag...

AWS Re:Invent 2018 - Recap

5 minute read

On November 2018 I was on my first AWS Re:Invent convention in Vegas. This was an amazing experience, which I highly recommend to anyone working with AWS (do...

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Adding badge icon to ionic Android app

1 minute read

TL;DR You have an Ionic application, and you want to use icon badges on Android. You’ve found the cordova badge plugin, but it only works if the the applicat...

How lucene’s mlt works

less than 1 minute read

###TL;DR It takes the document, computes tf/idf, takes the top 25 (configurable) terms, and queries the DB with these terms with a boost.

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Port forwarding on ec2

less than 1 minute read

we want to get to prod1 but it’s only accessible through mid and we want to reach it from localhost

Apple Provisioning Hell

less than 1 minute read

We’re developing an ionic app for iOS and android, and handling the Apple provisioning/certificates/apn profile is hell. Just pure hell.

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Easy Executors and Callables in groovy

less than 1 minute read

Multithreading and general multi-tasking in groovy is super easy, thanks to frameworks like GPars. However, even the basic Java frameworks can be easily util...

Url catching regexp

less than 1 minute read

Not exactly a brilliant piece of engineering, but this is a useful dirty hack.  If you want to clean urls from a string, you can match it using this regexp:

Node JS for backend programmers

5 minute read

I started working in a new and exciting start up, and the thought of using Java for development crushed my soul, so I began shopping around for a fast-develo...

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Git: Checking out only a specific folder

less than 1 minute read

I’ve been looking for a way to checkout only a specific folder from a git repository. Most answers I found to this problem stated that it’s not feasible - bu...

Web programming for server people

less than 1 minute read

I’m mainly a back-end engineer - through my not-so-long career, I’ve dealt with sql, no-sql, offline processes, etl mechanisms, billing services, web-crawler...

Finally! What’s hogging your RAM?

less than 1 minute read

Some of you may have noticed that the Windows Task Manager doesn’t show you the real memory consumption of the applications you’re running. It’s quite obviou...

Zorpia is a scam

1 minute read

I’ve been getting a lot of emails lately from a website called”Zorpia” claiming I have a message from someone named Katja. I’ve never signed into this websit...

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Maven: Building a Java-Groovy mixed project

less than 1 minute read

I have a project that mixes Java and Groovy, and the main problem I ran into was that the jar was nicely built, but it only contained the Java classes, and n...

XMLing in Java? Use java-xmlbuilder

less than 1 minute read

XML is not native to Java. Many will disagree, but this is just the simple truth. It’s tedious, messy and generally ugly - specially compares to Groovy or Sc...

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Scala 101 - Scoping

2 minute read

This is a part of my Scala tutorial . Read the first part & second part for a more general Scala intro. You can read here for an overview of how to write...

Scala 101 - Named & Default parameters

1 minute read

Another syntax sugar provided in Scala are the default values for parameters , and the named parameters. Its fairly stright forwards , so We’ll just start wi...

Scala 101 - OOP : Getters & Setters

2 minute read

This is a part of my Scala tutorial . Read the first part & second part for a more general Scala intro. You can read here for an overview of how to write...

Scala 101– Basic OOP : Writing a class

4 minute read

This is part 3 of my Scala tutorial – read the first part and the second part for a more general Scala intro. All the examples you see here were ran via the ...

Maven - Creating an executable jar

less than 1 minute read

I wanted to create an executable jar in maven , s.t whenever I run”mvn install” , it will generate both the regular one and the executable one.

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Consuming SOAP in Groovy

2 minute read

I’ve started using SOAP in Groovy. As I’m new both to SOAP and to Groovy , this is a little basic.

10 Developers For The Price Of One

less than 1 minute read

“Programming managers have long recognized wide productivity variations between good programmers and poor ones”

Grep on PowerShell

less than 1 minute read

I must admit that I find the windows PowerShell a really-way-too-late pale substitution for the full capacity of the unix shell , but since I sometimes need ...

Using Log4Net in a C# web application

1 minute read

I came to Log4Net because I really loved Log4j , but I must say the documentation on this project is simply crappy, and half of the links in the project page...

Learning C# with a Java background

less than 1 minute read

I’m a Java programmer , and  I’m starting to work on a production project written in C# , so this is a great time to start learning this language . I’ve neve...

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Closing notes

less than 1 minute read

Unfortunately , we reached the conclusion that HBase is still not stable enough for us to use in production environment. I think it’s a great project , and I...

Bug Update

less than 1 minute read

After a lengthy discussion with St.Ack (on the hbase channel in the mirc) and Jean Daniel about this bug , we currently believe that what we’re seeing is “ …...

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Can’t live with it

1 minute read

We assumed that the bug was caused mainly because of the high load rate , and that once the bulk of the data will be in HBase and the load will drop consider...

We’ll try to live with it

less than 1 minute read

As you remember , HBase tends to collapse (Return”NotServingRegionException”) after a few millions of files (Latest crash: 6 million). Since we (want to) bel...

Still unresolved

1 minute read

We’ve been working on the previous bug (last post) for a few days now , but unfortunately nothing is working. We’ve suspected the error might be caused by wr...

First Setback

1 minute read

We’ve tried loading the system with 10,000 , 100,000 and 200,000 files - everything worked perfectly.

Testing update

less than 1 minute read

We are planning to move on to production soon , and we intend to build a test environment that will resemble the production environment as close as possible.

Hadoop Failover and Failback Solution

less than 1 minute read

As you can see in the previous blog , Hadoop successfully failover , but it fails to failback. Our solution to this problem is this:

Testing Hadoop - Starting HBase

less than 1 minute read

Hbase configuration and running is very similar to hadoops. Not surprisingly , they also have a nice Getting Started page. The tricky part , though , is to u...

Testing Hadoop - Starting Hadoop

1 minute read

First thing : It works. If you’re getting a lot error messages and you start thinking “well , maybe it’s crap. still 0.18 can’t be that good a version” Stop...

Testing Hadoop - Problem Definition

1 minute read

We have a very large amount of relatively small files (~5k avg , 41k max , 0k min) , that we access a lot (20M times a day) for various computations. Current...

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